Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Girls Jewelry Boxes - How to Make Personalized Jewelry Boxes

!±8± Girls Jewelry Boxes - How to Make Personalized Jewelry Boxes

Sometimes, an object is more precious when it is not bought from a store but made by your self. This is true especially when it comes to gifts because you, as the giver, are able to personalize you gift in a way you know that the recipient will like. Because jewelry box is one of the favorite things to be given on any occasions, especially to women, here are some ways on how to make your own jewelry box.

First, visualize what size you want your jewelry box to be. You may also consider the shape you it to be. Also, do not forget to plan the division of the inside of your box. You can do this by putting different types jewelry such as earrings, bracelets, rings and necklace on a pad and draw lines that will serve as dividers. This will make sure that each space in your box is to be used well. You would not like a wasted space in your box. The dividers will also make sure that the inside of your box will not be a mess and that the pieces of jewelry will not rub on each other causing scratches when your jewelry box is shaken.

If you are more creative or experienced in making jewelry boxes, you can also make complicated compartments such as putting multiple drawers and hooks in your box as additional compartments. This will require a bigger box, but it will also mean that you will be able to put more jewelry in it.

Consider also the materials you will use in making your box, both the inside and the outside part of it. For the inside of your jewelry box, make sure that the materials you will use will not damage your jewelry. There are some pieces of jewelry that are easy to be scratched when rubbed with another piece of jewelry. Be sure that you use anti-tarnish materials so you can guarantee that your jewelry are all safe inside the box. As regards the outside of the box, as the box as it is, you can use different materials to personalize it since it is self-made. There are boxes made of different materials such as wood or glass available in the market. To make your task easy, you can buy one of these boxes and personalize it by adding designs on the outer layer of the box. You can put precious stones or even beads of different colors, and form different shapes from it. Others make figures of flower or hearts using beads. Other uses colored glue or glitters to write their names or the name of the person they are giving it to.

By making your own jewelry box, you make it more special because of the effort and time you have spent to make it. It will be more appreciated that way. But if you do not have time to make one yourself, there is always the ones you can buy at store anytime of the day.

Girls Jewelry Boxes - How to Make Personalized Jewelry Boxes

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